Sele reče da je šezdeset godina molila da se njezino imanje pretvori u crkvu i posluži Hrvatima ovih prostora. Zato je uvijek ponavljala: "Bogu i mome hrvatskom nardou!" Kad je ta ideja išla prema ostvarenju, nitko nije bio sretniji od nje.
Slobodno pročitajte sljedeće odjeljke kako biste saznali više o bogatoj povijesti ove župe!
Sele said that she prayed for 60 years that her estate be turned into a church and that it would serve the Croatians of this area. For that reason, she always repeated, "For God and for my Croatian people!" When that idea approached realization, no one was happier than she.
Please feel free to read the next sections to learn about the rich history of this parish!